Social Wire
Mar 15, 2022
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield How To Avoid Shark Attacks Whilst Surfing | A review of the FREEDOM+ Surf by Kale Brock via via @YouTube

@Shark_Shield How To Avoid Shark Attacks Whilst Surfing | A review of the FREEDOM+ Surf by Kale Brock via via @YouTube
Sep 13, 2021
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield The Ocean Guardian interview on the Noob Spearo Podcast with our CEO Lindsay Lyon has just gone live! If you’ve ever had any questions about our products you’ll find that many of them are answered in this…FMDK

@Shark_Shield The Ocean Guardian interview on the Noob Spearo Podcast with our CEO Lindsay Lyon has just gone live! If you’ve ever had any questions about our products you’ll find that many of them are answered in this…FMDK
Mar 24, 2021
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield We were pretty stoked to receive this review in our inbox - thanks so much Matt!

@Shark_Shield We were pretty stoked to receive this review in our inbox - thanks so much Matt!

Mar 20, 2021
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield FREEDOM+ Surf SHORTBOARD and FREEDOM+ Surf are flying out the door! Have you ordered yours? 🏄♂️ @jorganncouzinet __ #FREEDOMplusSurfSHORTBOARD #FREEDOMplusSurf #oceanguardian_official #sharkshield #sharkshieldtechnology #sharkdeterres://

@Shark_Shield FREEDOM+ Surf SHORTBOARD and FREEDOM+ Surf are flying out the door! Have you ordered yours? 🏄♂️ @jorganncouzinet __ #FREEDOMplusSurfSHORTBOARD #FREEDOMplusSurf #oceanguardian_official #sharkshield #sharkshieldtechnology #sharkdeterres://

Mar 17, 2021
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield THEY'RE BACK 🏄♂️ The FREEDOM+ Surf, FREEDOM+ Surf SHORTBOARD, Tail Pad Antennas, and Transferable Power Modules have all been restocked and are ready for you surf withou/oQ2qv7QvWx

@Shark_Shield THEY'RE BACK 🏄♂️ The FREEDOM+ Surf, FREEDOM+ Surf SHORTBOARD, Tail Pad Antennas, and Transferable Power Modules have all been restocked and are ready for you surf withou/oQ2qv7QvWx

Dec 9, 2019
Ocean Guardian - Shark Shield
@Shark_Shield The Ocean Guardian Marine Safety Zone will be operational next week protecting divers and enabling access to over 300 different species of marine life below the Busselton Jetty. via… via @ABCNews

@Shark_Shield The Ocean Guardian Marine Safety Zone will be operational next week protecting divers and enabling access to over 300 different species of marine life below the Busselton Jetty. via… via @ABCNews